
Settings Optimizations

    "breadcrumbs.enabled": false,
    "editor.codeLens": false,
    "search.searchOnType": false,
    "editor.minimap.scale": 3,
    "editor.minimap.enabled": false,
    "workbench.activityBar.visible": false,
    "terminal.integrated.gpuAcceleration": "on"

VSCode Drill

Splitting and focusing


# Open on new editor
ctrl + \

# Navigate between editor by order (left to right)
ctrl + 1
ctrl + 2
ctrl + 3


# Focus on explorer panel
ctrl + 0

# Focus on editor
ctrl + 1
ctrl + 2
ctrl + 3

# Switch between consecutive tabs
ctrl + page up
ctrl + pag down

Alernative approach

# Open search bar and type filename or fullpath
ctrl + p